I bought my orchid in April 2011. One sunny Sunday morning I was visiting Columbia Road Flower Market. The hectic market with lots of goodies and eye candies. While I was browsing the stalls looking for a bargain, suddenly, one of the sellers shouted: "Orchids for £3." I always wanted to own an orchid. So I rushed to see what he has to offer. He had lots of very nice orchids with different color shades. It was quite difficult to decide. After a while I have decided to go for the one with white colored flowers.
It looked amazing on my window. Unfortunately, few weeks later the flowers felt down and all I have been left with were two empty sticks. I continued to care for my orchid with tender loving care. Few months later I've noticed that there is a new leave growing and underneath there was a new small stick. I didn't expect my orchid to grow so soon again.
To my big surprise even two empty sticks recently came to life.
They are growing new flowers. I feel quietly thrilled about that. I cant wait for my orchid to flourish again.
It was definitely a good buy.