What has been happening in the last few weeks?
Well, first of all, I have finally finished my exams. It was a tough experience to revise and working full-time in demanding environment. I founded it very difficult to keep up with everything. I could feel the strain. But I have managed to get through it and now I am waiting for the results. My results will be out towards the end of the July, so I have decided not to stress myself about it and just enjoy the summer.
Talking about the summer, here in England, so far it has been a huge disappointment. Rain, rain, rain and more rain. Typical British summer wash out. Even now, when I am writing this post, is raining.
Yesterday, I collected my delivery from the post office. When I opened the envelope, there was a ticket to Olympic games. How exciting! To my big surprise, there was a travel card for the whole day, too. I didn’t expect that and it definitely will help not to spend a fortune on travelling to the event.I have managed to get a ticket to watch the canoe sprint. I can’t wait now!

My dearest friend, Martha, is turning 40 this week. Our group of friends decided to organise something special for her. This Saturday, we went to the Thai Restaurant called Mango Tree (www.mangotree.org.uk) The whole dining experience was just glorious. The food was very delicious. Particularly, I loved authentic Thai soup with the hint of lemongrass and coconut milk. It was full of flavour. Well, it was my first posh dining experience in London.

Next week, I will be travelling to Slovakia for a 10 days. I will be visiting my parents. I am really looking forward to spending some time with my Mum and Dad as I haven’t seen them for almost a year. And of course, I am also looking forward to see the rest of my family and friends.